When Microsoft Office 2007 first came out, my first thought about creating a table within a spreadsheet was why? Why
create something that is less than what you already have to work with?
Spreadsheets do so much more than tables do. Tables were for Word, not Excel. However, there is more to a table than simple color changes. This isn't Word's table, this is much more powerful and helpful.
As an example, here is a simple spreadsheet.
I’ve added the formula in column F to multiply the Unit
Price times the Units. Now, this is a really short spreadsheet, but imagine if
it were many items, say at least a couple of hundred or more. You can easily
copy the formula down, but tables make this much simpler and also do more for
Here is the spreadsheet once I selected it and clicked on Insert Table.
Obviously, color and design has been added with Tables,
however, additional helps are in there as well. Now when I add my formula in, I
add it in the top row and it automatically copies the formula down all the way
for me. One extra step that has been removed. In addition, I now have Table Options that allow me to add a
Total Row easily and I have functions built in that I just have to click on
the arrow in the cell and decide what I want to see. For instance, in the example
above, the Units column I have selected to know the Sum of that column. In the
Unit Price Column, I elected to use MAX that tells me what the largest Unit
Price is in the column. (Remember, although I can readily see this with only
three items, this would be a huge time saver for large lists. In addition, of
course, the last column is the final total cost.
Note the arrows in the headers of each column as well. Here
automatic filtering has been turned on so with one click on the arrow, there
are different sorting options available which can help isolate particular
inventory items.
I admit, I thought originally tables were nothing more than
pretty color on a spreadsheet and I have found that they are much more. I
suggest that the next time you build a spreadsheet or work with one, try
converting to a table and see all of the available options that it provides.
Tables are powerful tools and will help you make the best of your spreadsheets.