September 07, 2012

Working with Microsoft Word - Changing Capital Letters

Are you one of those people who types everything in capital letters? Maybe you aren't that great at typing so that's all you can manage? Typing in capitals is considered shouting when viewed electronically. It is preferable to avoid sending emails that way if you can avoid it. Fortunately, there are some easy fixes for this. If you have Microsoft Word 2007 or 2010, a new tool will allow you to instantly change your uppercase words all to sentence case. 

First, type your email out in Word instead of using your email program. 

Then select (highlight) all of your text that you wish to change.

Select the Aa from the Home Ribbon in the Font group. It's a drop down arrow that gives you several choices such as changing to uppercase, lowercase, capitalize each word and toggle case. 

Select sentence case to change all caps and then each sentence will have the first word capitalized. 

Now you can highlight all of your text, copy and paste it into your email program and you don't risk offending anyone by shouting. It’s also much easier to read a paragraph of sentence case versus all capitals. Happy emailing!

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